Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The entire world is full of suffering. It’s also full of overcoming said a person who has suffered and also dealt with it. Hellen keller, experienced a traumatic time as a child. Appreciate it people that even though she had these problems she has overcome them. Tough times do not last long but tough people do-Christian Bernard, the first person to perform heart transplant, when he was suffering from broken ribs and perforated lung he never gave up, for, his father told him ‘suffering gives strength’. Shahrukh khan, the famous Bollywood actor though suffered a back pain, never allowed it to hinder his acting career. Stephen Hawking, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist, suffers from a motor neuron disease, which didn’t prevent him from continuing his research. Appreciate it people.
Dr. Cristian Bernard
Stephen Hawking
Every man has his limitations. All these people had their limitations and crying over it doesn’t help us to overcome them. We’re not the only one with limitations. If Stephen hawking were to cry over his disease he wouldn’t have survived or his famous book ‘The Brief History of Time’ would never have been published. Appreciate it people. Dhirubhai Ambani, the founder chairman of Reliance industries, suffered a lot too. If he had cursed his poverty, Reliance probably wouldn’t have existed.

Dhirubhai Ambani

So what should we do? Be persistent. Everything falls into its place. There are three kinds of people on earth: the foolish, the clever and the wise. When a fool meets an obstacle, he falls into it and is crushed. When the clever person meets one, he walks around it. However, when the wise person meets one, he gets into it, finds a solution, and makes sure it is no longer an obstacle.

Be a wise man. Look the problem over and above its level. Then it doesn’t seem like a problem to you. Every problem has a solution. Problems are to find a solution. Believe me people; one daring step may change your whole life. I don’t say that you’ll get the problem solved immediately. A lot of struggle and hard work is necessary.

Risk the things. To eat an egg, you must break the shell. Progress always involves risk. You can’t steal the second base and keep your foot on the first. To cross your limitations you need to take risk and risking needs courage, for you may lose, then the courage helps you to rise up again. Why do we fall? So that we can learn to rise up again.

Never give up. All the limitations that we suffer from are just physical. We’ve a mind and which is a wonderful advantage over other animals. We’ve the power to think. We can overcome any kind of problem. All we need to have is patience, courage and the desire to overcome it. Appreciate that we’ve brains. Nothing is impossible.

Coming back to suffering, if we overcome our limitations it’s no longer a suffering. We probably jump out and start celebrating. Suffering is a platform to make ourselves perfect. Sufferings are inevitable. Every time you suffer you try to overcome it which makes you tough. You will be satisfied if you suffer and solve it yourself.

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scar.

So people next time when you suffer from something don’t curse it or on your life, instead welcome it and solve it. Believe me you’ll be satisfied with your life.

 The best way to avoid a problem is to solve it!

All the best.

Keep Suffering.
I’ll keep writing.

Later :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A visit to a village of KIDS

Waiting for Lokesh outside the university gate, I was thinking about how children could get love from a person who is not actually their mother? As I heard that SOS Childrens’ Village has ten children in a group with its caretaker called ‘mother’. As I was lost in thought, he arrived and I waved at him. We both started to SOS situated at 16 KMs from GITAM University where we are pursuing our B.Tech education. On the way I took my cam outside my bag carefully holding the tag and started to take photographs. We didn’t talk much about anything except how beautiful the route and its surroundings were. I asked about Ronak who met with an accident and Lokesh was narrating the incident and accident. Meanwhile, I saw us crossing the board on our right side pointing to a muddy road to left for SOS. I told him immediately as we just passed it when Lokesh took a turn and went in that direction.
SOS House
                       SOS faces east and has a big gate. As we were nearing it, a watchman saw us and opened the gate. We parked the bike. This place looked like a gurukul, an Indian school which is residential and shishyas (students) gain knowledge under guru. This place looked like a residential community. As we entered the SOS, to the right were staff rooms and office rooms. And to the left side were the houses where children reside with their mother. As we still move further passing all the 14 houses we were in a ground with a basketball court and swings across. Children were playing in the ground. At some places there were benches to sit. I saw two women, probably mothers, sitting and discussing something to the left of the ground. We were talking about SOS when Lokesh got a call from the director to meet Mr.Murthy and that he’ll assist us in distributing sweets and chocolates. I saw a kid gardening and a woman was helping him. I thought the kid was learning gardening and I don’t even know how to plant a tree. We were told to wait in the office, and I was taking pictures while he was waiting. A woman was approaching him. She looked slim and probably in her late 20s. We went to office. She introduced herself as Padmini. She was asking our whereabouts. I, hating the silence between us, started the conversation by asking if all the children went to same school. She nodded no. I wanted to ask the reason but the situation changed when Lokesh told that it was a beautiful environment, to which I agreed. She was telling how a newly born baby was found in an auto. She asked us to go to each house and distribute sweet box and chocolates. The watchman brought the packets from the office room where we left them the day before.

You all Must study well.
Happy With Your Visit
Thank You all of You
                   We went to the first house, Lokesh was removing his sandals and I thought, ‘oh no! I’ve to remove my shoes everywhere 14 times?’ Then I decide to have them on. As we went into house we saw children watching a movie on television. Each house had a refrigerator, television and minimum furniture. Miss Padmini was telling all the children and to mother in each house about Lokesh and me. All the children were wishing Happy Birthday to him and saying hi - byes to both of us calling Lokesh annaya and Shyam annaya (that’s my name). Annaya means elder brother. Lokesh was saying, “Thank youuuuu !!!”. I guess you got the expression he gave the kids. In the other house all the kids were sitting on floor and mother was serving them milk. Meanwhile a watchman Rama swami joined us holding a packet. In another house all kids gathered outside in a corridor and started singing birthday song. In some other houses children were sitting in the corridor and studying as it was already time for study. When coming back through the house where we already had been to, kids were shouting, “Lokesh annaya, Shyam annaya BYEEE!!!” We shouted them back, “BYEEE !!!”. I took some photographs of kids. I talked to some kids. In the eleventh house, Miss Padmini asked the mother to get us some water meanwhile we took some photographs with children. As we sat down to drink she also served us some sweets. Miss Padmini said she is the best mother awardee. She was saying about her that she is the mother of 20 children. Among them, ten are grown up and are pursuing higher education in residential institute outside of SOS. Remaining kids are studying here. She showed us the house. All the houses are in the same format. Later she said that she saw us passing the house that evening but thought that we’re some visitors. Then I realized the exact position of house because it was already dark and I couldn’t figure out how Miss Padmini was taking us to each house. we passed by the house as we entered that evening to check out the village to left most. Then going back to office we gave the sweets to watchman and staff.

Happy Birthday BRO

This is for you !!!

Lokesh with Children

Me with Kids

Birthday Greetings

what's your name???
Thank you!!!
                     Seeing the children over there, I did not feel that they were unhappy. They looked cheerful. They looked satisfied and content. I saw a board with a quote “Bringing up children is an art which doesn’t come with mere learning but by experience”. Maybe those ‘mother’s are doing well in their job. Whatever it is, the cheerful wishing of children made us feel happy. Coming back to my question about how someone could take care of children as their own, I still have no answer. But the happy faces on the children told me that they sure did a good job. I was happy that our trip added a little smile on their faces. Who in the world would not like new friends? I am sure that I cannot give them all the happiness in the world, but was contended with the smile I could put on then at least that evening. I felt satisfied by just looking at them. I couldn’t figure out what type of satisfaction I got, but somewhere deep in my heart I felt satisfied in ways that I cannot express

Later :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chemistry lab



Usually this lab consists of titrations of various chemicals into different solutions. The procedure of conducting the experiment is to note the point in the burette at which the color of the solution in the conical flask changes and the same is repeated for three consecutive times till we get two similar readings. But here comes the actual problem. It will obviously be fine for the first time and during the second time at the moment when the color changes, slowly a sweat drop comes on the nose and tingles on the tip of the nose and stands there tickling it. If we remove our hand to wipe it off we will lose the reading. Hell with this thing. Fine with it somehow we got the second reading and it didn’t match the first one. Then again the third time this time the sweat doesn’t tickle but instead at the right moment you feel you nose itching or it may be any part like the calf muscle of your leg or your elbow of your hand. Finally you end up getting a 5% error in your reading, but the girl or boy beside you will get a zero percent error getting an A+ Grade. ‘Damn man! How did she get it??’ This will really really piss you off. I asked a guy on my other side, “what’s your % error ?”. The answer you get even more pisses you off cause he’ll get less than you. But it’s okay, you’ll do better next time. This occurs to some other guy or girl next week.

Every lab has a theory class before we start the experiment. All of them should stand near a board and the lecturer will tell you about the experiment. Usually it okay to stand unless you’ve a sprained leg. It really hurts. Some people suddenly push you forward if you’re on first row and it really embarrasses if the lecturer looks at you for the mess it has been.

One more part of lab that also embarrasses you is when you break any apparatus like pipette or mostly burette. Everyone’ll be looking at you as soon as the lecturer shouts on you and imposes a fine. You really don’t know where to keep your head at that point.

But it really was a good time during the lab cause it though irritated you, it was the lab which ends early.

I’ll keep writing  :)
