Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chemistry lab



Usually this lab consists of titrations of various chemicals into different solutions. The procedure of conducting the experiment is to note the point in the burette at which the color of the solution in the conical flask changes and the same is repeated for three consecutive times till we get two similar readings. But here comes the actual problem. It will obviously be fine for the first time and during the second time at the moment when the color changes, slowly a sweat drop comes on the nose and tingles on the tip of the nose and stands there tickling it. If we remove our hand to wipe it off we will lose the reading. Hell with this thing. Fine with it somehow we got the second reading and it didn’t match the first one. Then again the third time this time the sweat doesn’t tickle but instead at the right moment you feel you nose itching or it may be any part like the calf muscle of your leg or your elbow of your hand. Finally you end up getting a 5% error in your reading, but the girl or boy beside you will get a zero percent error getting an A+ Grade. ‘Damn man! How did she get it??’ This will really really piss you off. I asked a guy on my other side, “what’s your % error ?”. The answer you get even more pisses you off cause he’ll get less than you. But it’s okay, you’ll do better next time. This occurs to some other guy or girl next week.

Every lab has a theory class before we start the experiment. All of them should stand near a board and the lecturer will tell you about the experiment. Usually it okay to stand unless you’ve a sprained leg. It really hurts. Some people suddenly push you forward if you’re on first row and it really embarrasses if the lecturer looks at you for the mess it has been.

One more part of lab that also embarrasses you is when you break any apparatus like pipette or mostly burette. Everyone’ll be looking at you as soon as the lecturer shouts on you and imposes a fine. You really don’t know where to keep your head at that point.

But it really was a good time during the lab cause it though irritated you, it was the lab which ends early.

I’ll keep writing  :)
