Friday, February 13, 2015


With many friends who have started their own Business I say after observing them that it takes a lot of courage to stop what you're doing now and jump into a complete new journey where we never have an idea what's going to happen next. But that's the way to live life. Isn't it? It isn't a life when you regret not doing things on your death bed. 

Everything starts with just an idea. If you take it further it might be your biggest moment in life but if it's not it'll be a biggest life experience too. Either way you have something to get out of it. Life shouldn't be too monotonous too which would, for a typical employee be like 9-5 job and time with TV in home followed by sleep. These are the exact people who would regret not living the life. I'm afraid even I am one of them.   

I write this when I came to know that one of my old friends has started his own firms which calculates taxi fares for all the cab services in the city. The name of the firm too is interesting People need it these days. With all the services and online shopping websites, we do need one like this which provides all information at one stop. 

So live your life in such a way not to have regrets on death bed. Entrepreneurship is one of such ways to live life. 

Oh and Don't forget to check the website CabDekho. It's damn cool.  

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