Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Remembering the Gurus !

       If I am able to write this blog and if you’re able to read it,  it’s all because of the teachers. This post is dedicated to all the teachers in the world.

Happy Teacher’s Day!!!

As soon as I woke up early morning, I searched for the newspaper as it has almost become a habit to go through. On reading the newspaper it struck me that today’s the teacher’s day. I quickly called my mom and wished her a Happy Teachers Day not only for being my first teacher but also for being a teacher by profession. She was on her way to school. I also wished my dad recollecting everything from the past that he had taught me. I felt a bit nostalgic after I ended my call. 

I remembered all the teachers right  from my childhood, the things we did for them and the ones they did for us. This write up is just to tell you about how it was back then. If I remember  it right I used to take a rose very often to one of my teachers when I was in first standard especially because she used to let me draw pictures in her class and I felt bad for not being able to remember a thing about her now. In those days I was really scared of head mistress as her punishment was hard. It was like a hierarchy; teachers beat you with a stick on your hand for doing something wrong or being mischievous but if the issue is major head mistress used to enter the scene and her punishment was spanking along with beating on legs. It was almost same in every school those days.  
      Then I went to this English speaking school in 3rd standard. Mr Arogyanandan, was my favorite of all. He was just like his name; healthy and cheerful. He always encouraged me to participate in competitions like speech, essay writing, drawing. All the teachers had a soft corner for me. I was considered one of the smartest kid. Back then we celebrated teacher’s day in a unique way. We gifted hair pins to Madams. I know it sounds silly, but that was the biggest gift we could give them. We, sometimes, even collected money that we had saved from previous one week for this event, which usually summed up to 150 Rs and then we used to buy sweets and mixtures for them. Sometimes with the money left, we used to buy pens for all the teachers. Mr. Murali, taught us biology, Telugu literature and Neuro linguistic program as a result they became my favourites. Head master of this school was partially my motivation to speak English fluently. I was an active participant then and still am.

In 9th class, I joined Bhashyam Residential School. My biology teacher, Mr S S V, that’s what everyone used to call him , always gave us something to think about. That’s a main quality of a teacher according to me. I still remember most of his classes. He not only taught us biology but also how to lead a perfect life which I regret for not following it. There was an English teacher who taught us how to read books, how to feel the characters in it. He used to sing those poems from the textbooks while other teachers just plainly read it aloud and explained it.

Mathematics was my favorite and yet most feared one. Mr Ramaswamy completely changed my perception towards maths. I always used to see it as some problem solving algorithm but he said, ‘maths is a language to understand nature’ by showing us the same mathematics we learnt in the nature’s applications.

In my Intermediate, Narayana Junior College, Mr Sandeep Sanyal was my favourite teacher for mechanics and Mr Aacharya for Electronics. Mr Sandeep talking about Human tendency said, ‘More challenging the problem is, the more interesting it becomes.’ I completely agree with him.

Mr Aacharya was my inspiration for his punctuality and hard work. He used to be on time for the class early in the morning at 5AM while we’re still dozing off in our rooms. He used to create interest in the subject which is the key factor to learn it. The teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the people with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.
Happy Teacher's Day!!!
I always learnt something from my teachers till date and I’ll always keep learning. Though they don’t remember us, though they aren’t in contact, they’ll always be in my heart for making us know the unknown. 

If you hated a teacher for some reason, its time to forget it and realize that they played some role in our learning process. Although I couldn't wish every teacher a Happy Teacher's day, I silently thanked all of them.  

P.S: Nearly everyone I met, worked with, or read about was my teacher one way or the other.

Thank you!

I'll keep writing.

Later J

1 comment:

  1. Nice one! You must really start developing this skill of yours!
