Monday, February 11, 2013


It was a cold evening in the mid December and at that moment I only wished for a fireplace with a mantelpiece in home. Then thinking it’s not possible now I decided to make tea for ourselves.

Mom asked suspiciously, “Are you sure about that?”

 I asked her, “why not?” half knowing what she had meant and there came the immediate response.

“Because once you start, you end up asking 15 questions about making tea which is absolutely abnormal.”

I challenged her, “You bet?”

‘We’ll see’ was her reply with a grin that I would lose.

I signed my sister to help me with the tea.

There I was almost making tea with of course most of the help from her when a tiny drop of hot tea fell on my hand and I immediately gave a jerk.

“You see that?” my sister asked me. I asked her, “See what?”, again half knowing what she was talking about.

“That sudden movement when a drop fell on you hand? That’s called Experience.” I stared her for a moment then we both burst into laughter. At that moment I had realized the importance of experience. Not that I didn't knew before but I just chose to ignore the realization. Now I realized that the realization hasn't ignored me. :D

So what’s this experience business all about? It’s all about involvement in or exposure to a particular thing or event. This comes from experimenting. A lot of experimenting in an event or thing makes us expert. At this particular point I would like to tell you about a funny discussion with my friend.

We were pondering over some mathematics problem. Then this very good friend of mine told to me, “Trust me I am experienced in this problem.”

“How experienced are you?” I asked him with a sarcastic smile.

“A little bit!” he said bewildered why I had asked him that.

I told immediately, “well, in that case you’re not an expert then how can I trust you?”

He left the place with poker face. :D

Types of Experience
    1.   Physical experience - object or environment changes
    2.   Mental experience – intellect or consciousness experienced with combination of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination.
    3.   Emotional experience – falling in and out of love
    4.   Religious experience – altered state of consciousness
    5.   Spiritual experience – attainment of peace through some spiritual practices
    6.   Social experience – behaving in society.
    7.   Virtual experience – games in computers, simulations etc…

More experience in a thing makes you expert in that. There comes an ambiguity between experience and wisdom. A wise person might be an experienced but the reverse is not true. Wisdom before experience is only words; wisdom after experience is of no avail.

Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the print; experience is what you get when you don’t. 
Now what most of us do? We often tend to learn only big things in life from experience. Rest all we choose to ignore. Let’s not do that and I won’t do that. Some people call mistakes an experience. Yes they are right! But remember people, if experience comes by mistake it’s a valuable experience which is not to be experienced again.

P.S: I however made the tea and my mom was astonished until my sister burst it out with a wink saying “yeah he didn't even ask me”.   

Thank you!

I'll keep writing.

Later :)


  1. good work yaar !!!!
    keep writing !!
    the presentation part could be better
    and u didn't sign ur sister u sighed her :D

    1. hey avishek, Thanks man. I too am honored by your blog post. And the sign there was signalling her to help me.

  2. Had good "experience" while reading this.
